Theater is a wonderful place. There are many actors and actress here. They perform different plays. Our family often goes to the theatre.

Last month our family went to the theatre. We saw the play "Romeo and Juliet". Our seats were in the dress circle. It was a wonderful performance. I enjoyed every minute of the play. The actors were really very good, especially the actress playing Juliet. Her dress was beautiful.

I like Shakespeare's plays. I've always wanted to see "Romeo and Juliet" in the theatre. I would like to know more about William Shakespeare and see all his plays in the theatre.

If you want to go to the theatre you should think about some things beforehand. First of all go to the box office and ask if they have seats for the day you want. Don't forget that the most expensive seats are in the front stalls or in the boxes, and the cheapest are in the gallery. The seats in the dress circle are not so expensive, but quite good, especially if they are in the first and second row. If you can't decide about your seats you can look at the map of the hall which usually is on the wall of the boxoffice and can be quite helpful.

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